Faculty Support Services
The Faculty Support Staff provides instructional and administrative support to all Pitzer faculty. Here you will find resources and some of the areas we provide faculty administrative support.

For Faculty & Academic Affairs Budget Support, see the Budget and Financial Services page
Dean of Faculty's Office Support Services
Class Cancellations
The decision to cancel classes should be taken very seriously. The reputation of the College and the integrity of the academic program rely on every class being conducted according to the schedule. Faculty should discuss their approach to class cancellation with students in advance, ideally at the beginning of the semester. Faculty members are responsible for notifying students of the decision to cancel a class directly (e.g. via an announcement in a prior class or by e-mail). The following guidance is provided with regard to class cancellations:
Anticipated Absence
If you know that you will not be present for a class because you will be attending a conference or engaged in another professional activity, announce this information to your students well in advance, on the syllabus if possible. Try to arrange for a colleague to teach the class on the day(s) that you will be away or discuss alternative activities or assignments with the students and make it clear how the time will be made up. Although you may try to reschedule the class, you should assume that our students’ complex schedules make it difficult or impossible to do this.
Emergency Absence
Occasionally a medical or personal emergency arises which necessitates your canceling a class at the last minute. There are many variables involved in this kind of situation: meeting time of the class (day/evening), time remaining before the class meets, class size, etc. It is your responsibility to use good judgment to make the best of this unfortunate situation. If you can notify your students individually by phone or email, this is the best alternative. If your situation prevents you from doing this, you should contact the Faculty Administrative Assistant and ask to have your students notified in class (be prepared to provide the time and meeting location of your class).
Classroom Assignments
Initial Classroom Assignments: Initial classroom assignments are made by the Registrar’s Office based on information submitted on the faculty course form(s). In competing requests, the Registrar’s Office will consult with an Associate Dean of Faculty, who will find alternate arrangements as needed.
Changes After Initial Assignments Have Been Made: Please contact us at dofcore@xlhl.net if classroom changes are needed.
Classroom Priority Scheduling for West Hall Q116 and Q120, Broad Hall 210 and 214, and Avery 201
The Registrar’s office schedules classroom space. Due to the technological and pedagogical needs (i.e. high definition projectors and light-blocking window shades) of fields such as Intercollegiate Media Studies, Art History, and Media Studies programs, the following will be implemented:
- For Avery 201, Broad Hall 210, and Broad Hall 214:
Art History and Classics courses will have priority scheduling for those classrooms, followed by Intercollegiate Media Studies. Once these courses have been scheduled, the room is available for all other disciplines to schedule their courses.
For West Hall Q116 and Q120:
Intercollegiate Media Studies will have priority scheduling for those classrooms, followed by Art History and Classics. Once these courses have been scheduled, the room is available for all other disciplines to schedule their courses.Exam Schedules
Final Exams and Spring Reading Days
Final exams take place the week after classes end. In the Fall, the last day of class is a Friday. In the Spring, the last day of class is a Wednesday, and the two days following are designated Reading Days for students, during which no classes are normally held. For more information, see the Academic Calendar.
Exam Proctoring Policy
Proctoring is only available for students with approved accommodations. Please see below for more information.
Students will take their exams at the Student Disability Resource Center of The Claremont Colleges which will allow for expanded proctoring hours and needed assistive technology based on a student’s accommodations.
Exam Reservation: Once a student reserves their exam accommodation (date/time for your course) you will receive an email letting you know that the approved student has made the reservation. You will be able to verify the information given by the student and you will be able to provide the necessary details for each exam including: time allowed for the class to complete the exam, materials allowed for the exam, and instructions for returning the exams. We will also request a method of contact for you during the exam in case any issues or questions arise while the student is testing.
Faculty will have three options for providing the exam:
1) Uploading a digital version of the exam to a secure link
2) Emailing the exam to the SDRC sdrc.testing@claremont.edu
3) Bringing a physical exam to the SDRC office the day before the exam is to take place
Returning the completed exam: Faculty may choose to have exams returned by secure download, email or the faculty may pick up the exam from the SDRC. The SDRC will not be able to deliver exams back to Pitzer. Any exam returned in a digital format will be retained in physical copy until after the end of the term. Every effort will be made to return an exam to faculty the day the student completes the exam.
Any questions related to exam scheduling, proctoring or processes please contact: sdrc.testing@claremont.edu or academicsupport@xlhl.net
For information on proctoring students needing accommodations, refer to forms for Academic Support Services (PASS).
-Class Cancellations
-Classroom Assignments
-Exam Schedules
All faculty are required to administer anonymous teaching evaluations in their classes at the end of each semester.
The Faculty Handbook (Section V.F.1.b) states, “…A faculty member is responsible for distributing each semester to all students in his or her classes course evaluation forms in each course taught, with the choice of any of the approved Pitzer forms or a form of his or her choice or design.”
Service Description:
The Office of the Dean of Faculty provides assistance to faculty who wish to do their course evaluations online. This service includes setting up online survey forms, sending out invitations and reminders to students, and generating completion status reports for faculty upon request.
To increase completion rates, the Dean of Faculty’s Office encourages faculty to administer evaluations during class time if possible. Please review the information below on how to select, and administer online evaluations and how to select, administer, and return paper evaluations.
The Office of the Dean of Faculty also provides in-class assistance, and can request laptops from the IT help desk if needed.
Course evaluation results are reported to the Dean of Faculty, and are typically made available after final grades are submitted.
Course Evaluation Forms
The College has four template forms for your use. You may select a template, make adaptations to a template, select a customized form previously adapted or create a new customized form. If you choose to customize a form that will be distributed electronically, please be sure to contact us as soon as possible to allow enough production time.
Online Evaluations
The College uses Qualtrics for production and release of course evaluations. The evaluation reports include data summarization by default.
Select Online Evaluations Step 1: Review Template Forms Please visit the Course Evaluations Page to preview inactive templated Forms A, B, C, D, and an online learning supplemental questions template. Forms Preview Course Evaluation Forms Preview (coming soon) Step 2: Submit Course Evaluation Request Please complete the Course Evaluation Request Form to submit up to four course evaluation requests in a single form. Request Form IT Course Evaluation Request Form Reuse of previously customized forms Please complete the “Additional Instructions or Notes” field in the Course Evaluation Request Form with the following information so that we can recall the correct form. Semester Year Course Number New customized forms You can use the Request Form (link above) to upload a document with information about your customized request. Please be sure to submit new customization requests as soon as possible so that we can ensure it will be released to your students on time. You will receive a link to your customized form for your review and approval. Administer Online Evaluations You will receive notification from the Dean of Faculty’s Office via Smartsheets confirming your selected course evaluation form, and the release date and time to your course. Return of Online Evaluations to Faculty Provided that you have submitted final grades on time by the academic calendar, you can expect to receive online course evaluations at your Pitzer email address. If you need to receive your evaluations at a non-Pitzer email address or have any questions, please email us at course-eval@xlhl.net. |
Paper Evaluations
Duplicating services are available to make copies of paper evaluation forms. Copy requests should be sent to the Dean of Faculty’s Office at course-eval@xlhl.net. You may collect your course evaluation copies in our office, Scott Hall 114, between 8 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday.
Please note that the Dean of Faculty’s Office does not provide data summarization services for paper evaluation forms.
Select Paper Evaluations Step 1: Review Template Forms Form A [PDF] Form B [PDF] Form C [PDF] Form D [PDF] Step 2: Submit Paper Course Evaluation Request & Duplication Form Please use the request form to submit up to three evaluation requests in a single form for duplication and pick up. Request Form http://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/b45e72db2b2a452d8048aa577f7c7354 Administer and Return Paper Evaluations Students should complete the evaluations in blue or black ink only and place them in the accompanying envelope. Please assign one student in your class to return the envelope to Scott Hall 114. If your class occurs after 5:00 pm, students may deposit envelopes in the Dean of Faculty’s mailbox Box A104 in Scott Hall 127 (next to Career Services). Release of Paper Evaluations to Faculty Provided that you have submitted final grades on time by the academic calendar, you can expect to receive online course evaluations at your Pitzer email address. If you need to receive your evaluations at a non-Pitzer email address or have any questions, please email us at course-eval@xlhl.net. |
Our office will follow up by email if you have not communicated your online distribution plans per semester or have not initiated your copy request for paper-based evaluations. Faculty who do not communicate their plans to administer course evaluations will have Form B online evaluations distributed to their course roster by default.
Requesting Copies of Completed Course Evaluations
Please send an email to Sr. Administrative Coordinator for Academic Affairs to request a copy of your completed course evaluations. In your e-mail, indicate the course title, course number, and the semester and year the course was taught. Evaluations will be e-mailed as a PDF file.
Requesting to View Course Evaluations of Other Faculty in Your Field Group
Only the personnel liaison within the field group may review the colleague’s course evaluations when rehiring a visiting faculty member. Exceptions will only be made when written approval is provided by the individual faculty member whose evaluations are requested for review.
For questions, clarification, or to schedule a time for an in-person review of evaluations, please contact the Sr. Administrative Coordinator for Academic Affairs.
- Online Evaluations
- Paper Evaluations
- Deadlines
Field Trips
Field Trip Policies and Guidelines:
Visit our web page for more information.
Field trip requests received at the start of the semester are more likely to book Pitzer vans on the requested date. Please complete the Field Trip Form at least 3 weeks before the event.
Any request for field trip assistance with less than 3 weeks of notice will require use of Pitzer vans if available, or faculty must coordinate transportation and request reimbursement. Please note that this counts against the total $400 available for field trips per course from the Dean of Faculty’s Office.
At least two weeks prior to your field trip, you must meet with our staff to finalize your request including, but not limited to the following.
- Whether any meals are needed
- Any omissions on the field trip form.
Please contact dofcore@xlhl.net for any questions.
Parking at Pitzer College
There are designated parking spots for Pitzer faculty and staff in the following locations:
- Mills Avenue, western border of the Pitzer Campus, north of 9th
- North parking lot of W.M. Keck Science Building
- East Mesa parking lot, accessible from 9th, on the east border of campus.
- Claremont McKenna parking lot, accessible from 9th, south of McConnell Center (card access only)
If you are expecting a guest on campus, you may request a temporary parking permit from your Faculty Administrative Assistant.
Room Reservations
Reserving Spaces
For questions or assistance, please contact the Faculty Administrative Assistant.
There are policies are in place for these Multi-Use Spaces Room Reservation, please ask for more information prior to utilizing these spaces for events and course use.
- Benson Auditorium
- Broad Center Performance Space
- Computer Labs
- McConnell Founders Room
- McConnell Living Room
Pitzer Archive and Conference Center (P101)
Field Group Request to Hire
Field group representatives are required to submit a field group request to hire form to propose a visiting professor addition to their field group for an upcoming semester or academic year.
- Field trips
- Parking
- Room Reservations
Office Essentials
Office Supplies
Office supplies are available in Scott Hall 113 for faculty use. If you have any questions, e-mail your Faculty Administrative Assistant.
If you wish to have an ergonomic evaluation of your workspace, submit a request form: http://cuc.formstack.com/forms/request_for_ergonomic_evaluation
Voicemail Set-Up
Requests for voice mailboxes must be submitted on a Voice Mail request form available at the CUC Phone Office website.
Telephone Services Help Desk –> Voice Mail Accounts
Once the form is received and processed, activation instructions will be e-mailed to the person who submitted the request. Please contact the Phone Office at 909.621.8297 (extension 18297) for any further questions or issues.
Facilities Work Order
The most efficient way to request a Facilities Work Order is by the Online Services Request Form. You may also call or visit the Facilities Office.
Submit the Online Service Request Form
Call Facilities at 909.607.2226 (extension 72226).
In person at the Facilities Service Desk, McConnell Basement
Faculty Support Services at Pitzer and the Consortium
Course Texts and Readings
Course Textbooks
Scroll to the very bottom of the page, click on online adoptions, click on new registration for first time users, and follow the instructions.
Course Readings
Facilities & Mail Services
Office Hours (See Form)
Students, staff, faculty, and other community members may contact the Office of the Dean of Faculty to inquire about your office hours. To submit your office hours to the Office of the Dean of Faculty, please use the online form. Please notify the Faculty Administrative Assistant if you do not wish the hours to be posted.
Office Hours are located on the Pitzer College Faculty-Staff Directory
- Office Essentials
- Faculty Support Services
- Office Hours
Student Course Support Positions and Hiring Process: Faculty & Academic Affairs
A range of student positions are available to support instructors and courses. Hiring for any of these positions is a two-step process. The first step is authorization and posting of positions through the DoF (completed by faculty), the second step involves HR clearance and onboarding of the student employee (completed by the student). Students can only work after successfully completing both steps of this process.
All positions are paid at the established institutional rate. Faculty are responsible for setting student work schedules and course specific training and duties.
Two Steps to Hiring a Course Support Student Employee
1a. Faculty requests authorization DoF for the position(s)
The Dean of Faculty’s Office will review the faculty request and current budget and notify faculty once the request is approved. If questions arise, the office will email faculty directly.
Faculty request for position(s).
*Note: Curriculum Committee approval is required for course assistants and graders.
Positions available are here:
Faculty Request for Course Support Student Position(s)
1b. Recruit for the position(s)
Once approved, the Dean of Faculty’s Office will post the position to Handshake.
2. Student completes the hiring process
Have your selected student(s) complete an authorization to hire student form.
Authorization to Hire Student Form
Student Research Assistants and Hiring Processes
For more information on student research assistants and department positions, please visit our Budget and Finance web page.
- Student Positions
- Hiring Process
Contact Us
Please see the Staff Directory for details on our areas of service.